Mushroom Queen Daishu McGriff Begins Her Reign in Memphis

An establishing shot of a woman holding a piece of pizza in Memphis.

A chef and content creator, Daishu McGriff is the Mushroom Queen. After moving to Memphis for a job opportunity and following the passing of her dad, Daisha said it all kind of happened overnight.

“I’m born and raised in Gordon, Alabama. But I moved to Memphis for a job opportunity. I started cooking on Instagram and TikTok for grieving purposes after my dad passed. I shared on TikTok and woke up with like 10,000 followers overnight. I didn’t like meat, tofu, or tempeh, so I turned to mushrooms. People started calling me the mushroom queen, and that’s how Shroomlicious was born”

With her growing social media presence on TikTok and Instagram, over 130K followers between both platforms collectively, honestly she could’ve went anywhere and honestly made a huge impact. Yet, she cites the support in Memphis as a huge reason for staying. 

A woman sitting at a counter in a Memphis restaurant, enjoying delicious mushrooms.

“The support in Memphis is amazing. My first festival was a huge success, thanks to Cynthia Daniels. We were just doing meal prep initially, but after people’s requests, we started offering more. We always have a good crowd at events in Memphis.”

“The vegan scene in Memphis is growing. A lot of underground vegan people are becoming more known.”

While she states that the city loves their wings, Honey Gold and Honey Hot, she feels that the Vegan scene in Memphis in growing. Whether it’s the traditional style meals of Shroomlicious or her fancy 7 course experience, A Night in Shroomtopia, which focuses on the creativity and versatility of mushrooms, her delicious and creative food has taken her everywhere. But, Daishu McGriff has chosen to establish her mushroom Queendom right here in Memphis. 

A woman standing at a counter in a Memphis restaurant, ordering mushrooms.

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