Local Schools Reach 100% College Acceptance


Two local schools are celebrating 100% college acceptance across their graduating classes, and many students are heading to college on full or partial scholarships! Scholarship winners like David and Jessica are just two of the dozens of Give901 program alumni headed off to the post-secondary opportunities of their dreams.

In fact, Give901 partner high-schools are celebrating 100% college acceptance across the board!

David and Jessica (Collegiate '22) are heading to Boston College and Univertiy of Chicago on full Questbridge scholarships.

100% college acceptance? Check!

A group of students posing for a picture in front of a building.
photo: @collegiatemem

Give901 partner schools Collegiate School of Memphis and Soulsville Charter School are innovative institutions dedicated to providing an excellent education to students from our city’s poorest zip codes. Just how excellent are these schools? It starts with 100% graduation acceptance, and it all adds up.

student opportunity by the numbers:

100% college acceptance


Over $8 Million in scholarships & grants


100% college attendance for collegiate students


unlimited opportunity for local students.

A group of college-bound students posing for a photo in a gymnasium.
photo: @soulsvillecharter

Just in case you glazed over those numbers (throwback to high school math class), let’s emphasize a few points:

  • Not only did 100% of these students get accepted to college, but also 100% of Collegiate students are actually going to college this fall for the first time in the school’s history! In comparison to the city, not to mention the whole country, that is an absolutely incredible statistic—and it represents incredible opportunity for local kids. 
  • And did you notice the $8M in scholarships and grants? As in EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS towards the higher education of Memphis students (!)—and that’s just counting Soulsville‘s numbers. 

These aren’t just a few statistics.

These are indicators of life-changing opportunities for Memphis students.

Graduation is Just the beginning

On top of graduation, Collegiate celebrated their grads with a Senior Signing Night, where grads got to announce their schools for the fall. 

Students are headed to schools like Boston College, University of Chicago, University of Tennessee, University of Memphis and more.

For students across the city, graduation season is such a special time to celebrate a lifetime of hard work and look forward to all sorts of future post-secondary learning opportunities. With so much to celebrate, it’s about time to send a hearty CONGRATULATIONS! to all of our Memphis grads. 

Graduation really is just the beginning.

photo: @collegiatemem

Collegiate School of Memphis and Soulsville Charter School are just two of the ten education partners in the Give901 network. Give901 is dedicated to supporting innovative education programs across the city to improve opportunities for children, transform communities and eliminate poverty.

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