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Vintage Threads, Modern Dreams: Casey’s Journey with Blue Suede Vintage

The Story of Casey, a Memphis Entrepreneur

Born and raised in Memphis, a proud product of local public schools and the University of Tennessee system, Casey’s story encapsulates the essence of Memphis’ pull. After venturing to Austin, TX for an MBA and gaining experience, she returned to her roots in Memphis, driven by a desire to contribute back to the city that shaped her. Settling in the VECA area, Casey and her husband, both business owners, are now raising their young child in the community that has given them so much. “I wouldn’t be who I am today if I had grown up anywhere else,” Casey shares, reflecting her deep connection to Memphis.

Photo: Justin Fox Burks, Mural: Birdcap

Blue Suede Vintage: A Nod to Memphis’ Rich Heritage

The inception of Blue Suede Vintage was a mix of opportunity and homage to Memphis culture. When the chance to open a brick-and-mortar store presented itself, it was the perfect blend of a long-held dream and immediate possibility. Casey explains, “I made the call, and it all (thankfully) fell into place after that.” 

The store’s name, cleverly chosen by Casey for its available digital presence, subtly tips its hat to Memphis icon, Elvis Presley, and reflects the vintage spirit of the city. 

“It was an available Instagram handle and URL that nodded to Memphis without being too on-the-nose,” Casey mentions about selecting the store’s name.

Embracing the Local Spirit through Fashion

Blue Suede Vintage, under Casey’s stewardship, draws directly from Memphis’s rich history in music and fashion. By incorporating local historical brands and designs into its collection, the store serves as a living archive of the city’s fashionable past. 

"Memphis was such a fashion hub in the earlier part of the 20th century, and I LOVE running across local names: Helen of Memphis, Lowenstein's, and my new favorite from the 1970's Chelsea Ltd."

Each piece sold tells a story of the city’s cultural heritage, celebrated through the threads of history. 

You can also get pieces from Tako’s Treasures Vintage at Blue Suede Vintage’s storefront. They now carry Erica Qualy’s whole collection, too!

A modern building with large windows is in the foreground, while vintage parked cars add a nostalgic touch against the backdrop of a high-rise building under a blue sky with scattered clouds.
Blue Suede Vintage's Storefront is conveniently located near Crosstown Concourse

Innovating in a Competitive Market

Despite the challenges posed by a booming online vintage market, Casey’s Blue Suede Vintage stands out through a dedicated strategy of inclusivity and accessibility. 

Casey’s approach is to “really introduce vintage and evangelize secondhand to people who might not normally consider it.” 

Social media platforms, especially Instagram, play a crucial role in reaching a broader audience, showcasing the timeless appeal of vintage fashion across the nation.

Sustainability at the Core

At the heart of Blue Suede Vintage is Casey’s commitment to sustainability. “Sustainability is the impetus for everything I do,” Casey states. 

The store not only promotes the eco-friendly practice of secondhand shopping, but also actively engages the community through initiatives like clothing swaps and educational events about sustainable fashion. 

Each garment’s journey from past to present is a testament to Casey’s mission of reducing environmental impact while enhancing style.

Two vintage mannequins display colorful outfits in a boutique. One wears a floral dress with a gold belt; the other has a multicolored top with a yellow skirt. Scarves and accessories are visible nearby, adding charm to the retro ambiance.
Some of BSV's fabulous summer fits

Looking Forward: Expansion and Community Engagement

The future of Blue Suede Vintage is rooted in expanding its role within the Memphis community. “I’d love to host more community events like our clothing swaps and even mending classes,” Casey envisions. By creating spaces for local expression and creativity, Blue Suede Vintage is poised to continue its mission of marrying style with sustainability, ensuring that the legacy of Memphis’ fashion history thrives in modern wardrobes.

Through resilience, a deep connection to her roots, and a forward-thinking approach, Casey has crafted a space that not only sells clothes but also weaves the fabric of the community tighter together. 

Check out Blue Suede Vintage on June 15th at the Vintage Market alongside the Crafts and Drafts Festival. They’ll have 20 vintage-only vendors coming from all over the region!


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