Groove Into Flow & Mindfulness

Join Libby Campo for a unique flow and mindfulness class that is multi-layered to allow the student to explore movement in their bodies and states of mindfulness to soulful music. Class includes intro guided mantra, pranayama (breath), seating, and standing poses from different styles of yoga to help students explore the practice and their mind-body connections. 

New to yoga and/or meditation, or if you have been practicing for a long time, all are welcome and encouraged to engage in this class. You may bring a yoga mat or a pillow to sit on, anything that you feel would help you personalize your space for comfort, and please wear something comfortable.

Libby Campo: Yogi, professional and mother of three, Libby has learned that less is more and has observed the impacts of society leading us to push ourselves beyond our limits. She believes that slowing down and connecting with our breath is essential and that we all have a place on our mats, no matter one’s age or fitness level.

Investment: Series $45 Drop-In $15

Limited Space: Registration Required

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Jan 27 2023


9:15 am - 10:30 am



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Your Inner Yogi
(901) 205-9613
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