A flyer for the Coat Drive Benefitting Chuck Hutton Toyota.

Chuck Hutton Toyota Coat Drive Benefitting Hope House and Dorothy Day House

Kicking off the holiday season with a coat drive on Giving Tuesday, November 28, 2023, that will last throughout the month of December. The community is invited to participate by dropping off new coats at Chuck Hutton Toyota, located at 4601 Hutton Way, to benefit Hope House and Dorothy Day House in Memphis. Students from Whitehaven High School will join the Chuck Hutton team in spreading cheer and warmth when they distribute the coats to families and individuals at the nonprofit organizations on December 30.
Chuck Hutton Toyota is requesting new, warm winter coats and jackets in all sizes, for adults and children. Socks, blankets, and hygiene items are also greatly appreciated. All items may be dropped off during opening hours, from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., in the lobby of the showroom. In addition, donations may be made at either Mempops brick-and-mortar location or Mempops popups, along with Mempho Presents events over the next month at Minglewood Hall and Railgarten.

The event is finished.


Nov 28 2023 - Dec 30 2023


8:00 am - 6:00 pm

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