Big Brothers, Big Sisters Mid-South Hosts Virtual 5K as Open Call for Mentors

The things we love about the city of Memphis stretch far and wide, but one of the most prominent things to the hearts of Memphians are the individuals and organizations, like Big Brothers, Big Sisters of the Mid-South, that work everyday to ensure there is a bright future for our youth.

To combat the gap in mentors and mentees, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Mid-South is hosting the MENtors on the Move Virtual 5K Race to run to raise awareness for recruiting male mentors, and to get those 150+ students off the waiting list and paired with a great mentor.

Memphis is one of the most generous cities in the entire country when it comes to giving and figuring out complex problems that people right here in our city face. One of those complex problems is the lack of male mentors for our youth. 

We know it to be true that having a mentor builds the student in all aspects of life, but there are still 1 in 3 students who will grow up without a mentor. The numbers are staggering and something MUST be done.

Having a mentor increases the chances of excelling in school, turning away from deviant behavior, as well as instilling confidence into our youth. These core things alone, when increased, put our youth on a trajectory of eminent success.

Photo: Mentors with their Mentees (Alfred and Justin + Giselle and Becky)

As of now BBBS serves over 400 students in Memphis, but they still have over 150+ students that are on their waiting list. That is 150+ more lives that can be impacted and transformed to be successful doctors, policemen, firemen, engineers, teachers, and businessmen right here in the city that birthed them.

The Virtual 5k Race will take place Friday, July 10th until Sunday, July 12th. There is a small $30 registration fee that will go directly to the innovative initiatives that engage and impact the many students in the program as well as recruiting more mentors. The race is on your time, at your pace, and at your place. Commencement of the race will be a zoom pep rally that will be on Friday, July 10th starting at 6:00pm. You will be able to submit your times online from the end of the pep rally until 12:00pm noon on Sunday, July 12th

The first 200 registrants get a free t-shirt mailed to them, and everyone will receive a certificate of appreciation and participation. The top three winners with the best times in the male category and female category will receive a grand prize.

A flyer for mentors in the run.

If running isn’t your thing, but you want to get involved, consider donating to the cause instead!

This event can’t happen without the many dedicated and committed Memphians who want better for our youth. This is an open invitation for men and women, young and seasoned, black or white, and any and everyone else that feels called to make a difference. Share on your social media platforms. Be innovative, raise awareness, and most importantly, have fun. Get ready, get set, gooooo!

Register for the race here.

Make donations here.

Keep up with their work on Facebook.

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