VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: How Will You Do Hard work and Heart work in Memphis this Month?

Article was written by Dannon Eubanks. 

“HIGHER encourages a healthy lifestyle and I believe being of service is essential to living a fulfilling life. 

I have had the desire to volunteer but no clear direction, and the partnership with Volunteer Odyssey made it easy to get plugged into a shift with Catholic Charities. It was fun to meet the people with the organization and be able to provide clothing, hygiene bags, and sacked lunches to a vulnerable population. 

At the end of the day, the stress from my own problems had diminished and I felt grateful for the experience and my community.”

-Michael Isom, HIGHER Memphis employee & CCWTN volunteer

We are leading this month’s column, with this quote, because it truly says it all. It comments on our New Year partnership with HIGHER Memphis which of course we are ecstatic about. More than that, it comments on the fulfillment of volunteering.

Volunteering impacts our communities, our nonprofits, and our city as a whole. There is a notion that volunteering is a selfless act—and in a sense it is, as you are giving your time. At the same time, volunteering has the smallest sliver of selfishness as it serves as a source of fulfillment for those involved. 

Volunteering is a win-win; it’s as simple as that. Giving back is essential to meet the needs of our communities. And as Michael said, being of service is essential to leading a fulfilling life.

How will you do hard work and heart work in Memphis this month?

  • Herbal Work Study Volunteer, Memphis Botanic Garden, February 12th (9AM-12PM)

Join the Memphis Botanic Garden for the most perfect pre-Valentine’s day volunteer opportunity. You’ll learn from Herb Garden Curator, Sherri McCalla, while helping out with weeding, grooming, thinning, planting, and whatever else needs doing in the Herb or the Iris Garden. As you work, you will learn how herbs have been used to show and encourage love.

Sign up here.

  • Second Saturday Clean-Up, V&E Greenline, February 12th (9AM-12PM)

The V&E Greenline is a natural green space traversing the Vollintine-Evergreen Historic District, providing areas to exercise, walk dogs, observe wildlife, or visit with fellow users of the Greenline. Volunteers are vital to the maintenance of this green space. Join the V&E Greenline every Second Saturday of the month.

Sign up here!

  • Challenger Basketball Program Volunteer, Germantown Parks and Rec, February 14th  (6PM-7PM)

Join the Germantown Parks and Rec as they are in need of volunteers for their weekly Monday night Challenger Basketball program, which serves kids ages 6 to 16 that have intellectual or physical challenges. Volunteers do not need basketball experience and will be there for support and to have fun with the participants!

Sign up here!

  • Afternoon Mobile Food Pantry Volunteer, Catholic Charities of West TN, February 17th (4PM-5:30PM)

Join Catholic Charities at St. Paul Catholic Church where volunteers work outside, rain or shine, serving boxes of food during the mobile food distribution drive. Volunteer roles include collecting data, loading food boxes into cars, and directing traffic. The more volunteers they have, the more food boxes they are able to distribute to any neighbors in need. 

Sign up here!

  • Market Day Set-Up and Breakdown, Cooper Young Farmers Market, February 19th (8AM-9AM) and (12:30PM-1PM)

Join the Cooper-Young Farmers Market every Saturday as they support local farmers and businesses. You can learn more about the farm-to-table approach, support vendors during the market, and help small businesses build capacity. 

Sign up here!


  • 17th Annual Tree Planting Volunteer, Wolf River Conservancy, February 19th (10PM-12PM)

Join the Wolf River Conservancy in planting over 2,500 trees near the end of the scenic Ghost Section of the Wolf River in Fayette County. The addition of 15 native tree species will help significantly restore local conservation values and add to the natural beauty of the Bluff City. 

Sign up here!

  • Dog Volunteer Orientation, Memphis Animal Services, February 19th (12PM-1PM)

The first step to volunteering with Memphis Animal Services is to attend orientation for the type of animal you would like to work with. The orientation introduces you to MAS and what volunteer needs they have— and afterwards, you’ll be able to volunteer for animal enrichment, photography, adoption assistance, and more.

Sign up here!

  • Soup Sunday Volunteer, Youth Villages, February 20th (10AM-2PM) (1:45PM-4PM)

For over 30 years, Soup Sunday has served gallons of soup and raised more than a million dollars towards the Youth Villages Mentoring Program. Soup Sunday volunteers will help at check-in, coat check, voting stations, as servers, food runners and table attendants.

Sign up here!

  • ReStore Volunteer Orientation, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Memphis, February 22nd (4PM-5PM)

If you are interested in volunteering with the Memphis ReStore or just want to learn more about what they do, join in on their virtual orientation where you’ll learn how volunteers support their operations. Volunteers are needed to help run the ReStore, which serves as a daily fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity as they work to offer decent housing to all. Volunteer opportunities include customer service and assistance, unloading and sorting, and more!

Sign up here!

  • Five Levees 5k & 15k Volunteer, Shelby Farms Park/Start2Finish, February 26th (6:30PM-10PM)

Join Shelby Farms Park as they welcome you to volunteer in support of the Five Levees 5K + 15K. This race benefits Shelby Farms Park so your support helps preserve the vast green space of the park. Volunteers are needed to help at the Event Stage start and finish by the Visitor Center in front of Hyde Lake, assisting with parking and other duties to ensure a smooth race.

Sign up here!

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