Time Warp Drive-In Movie Series Season 10 is Here

What do Alabama Whitman, Pee Wee Herman, and the Beetlejuice all have in common, other than being big personalities?

You can catch them all at the Malco Summer Drive-In during Time Warp Drive-In Movie series Season 10.

Black Lodge, Malco Theatres, Guerilla Monster Films, & Holtermonster have curated a selection of films for those of you that want to hunker down from dusk ’til dawn. Each night has a theme with movies to match, so pile in the car, pack some snacks, and prepare for some cinema magic.

What Time Warp Drive-In movie are you most excited to see?

Time Warp Drive-In Movie Series Season 10 Lineup
  • Where: Summer Drive-In (5310 Summer Ave)
  • When: Films screenings start at 7PM
  • Cost: $10/person, Free/kids 10 and under

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