The 2020 Census: What You Need to Know

Every 10 years, U.S. residents are required (by law) to participate in the U.S. Census so that we can make sure we have adequate political representation, funding, and more. Here’s what Memphians need to know:

Why Does the Census Matter?

Anyone living in the U.S. is required by law to be counted via census. The U.S. Constitution requires a population census once every 10 years in order to determine how much political representation each state has.

The census also helps to determine the amount of funding that flows through our neighborhoods and cities. It has an impact on the amount of money counties and communities receive for education, housing assistance, to prevent child abuse, support firefighters, and much more.

How Do I Participate?

You can participate one of the following ways:

How Long Does it Take to Complete?

Approximately 10 minutes. The questions are very simple and if you know your address and the names of those living in the same home as you (if anyone), you are already well-prepared to begin.

Job Opportunities:

The U.S. Census Bureau is hiring hundreds of individuals in Shelby County to help. Here are some of the details:

  • Census takers will be employed part-time for approximately 6 weeks (July 31-October 25).
  • The U.S. Census Bureau will pay $20-$22/hr. for employees in Shelby County.
  • Census takers and address listers will need reliable transportation.
  • For more information or to apply, visit here.

Learn more about the U.S. Census, how to spread the word, and find out whether that rumor you heard about the census is true or not.

Get counted, Memphis!

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