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Show Teacher Appreciation Today and Always

Teachers do hard work; they have major impact on the growth and development of our students. However, they’re not always appreciated for the work they do or given the resources they need to succeed.

All month long, we’ve been working hard to show them how much appreciation we have for their daily dedication and diligence—and we invite you to do the same. Here are some ways to support them all month long, and then after. 

1. Gift them something—a token of appreciation

Get to know the teachers in your lives, and find out what they like. Even small items like a drawing from a student helps show teachers just how much they are appreciated.

2. Volunteer at MTR's Memphis Literacy Conference

A group of people standing in an office at the Memphis Literacy Conference.

Memphis Teacher Residency is hosting their annual Memphis Literacy Conference on July 29th—and if you want to be a part of building a better future for local learners and educational leaders, this is your time to shine! Sign up to volunteer. 

3. Let them know about the Teach901 giveaways happening all month long

Even though Teacher’s Appreciation is technically only a week long, Teach901 wants to show teachers love throughout the whole month!


Reach out to the teachers in your lives to see what kind of support they need. Whether it’s to read a book or help them clean out their classrooms, it goes a long way. Give901 can get connected to volunteer opportunities.

5. Help them find their next opportunity

A flyer for the educator job fair.

You benefit from having the best and brightest in the building, too. Teach901 is pulling out all the stops to ensure Memphis schools are at max capacity with excellent educators. Spread the word; the last Teach901 Educator Job Fair is set for June 8th!

6. Ask a teacher what they need

We know that teachers want and deserve more than a coffee mug, but sometimes it can be hard figuring out what they want and what they need. A simple question can help spark ideas of other ways to show your appreciation.

7. Thank a teacher. every chance you get

A simple “thank you” goes a long way in making someone feel seen.

Knowledge Tree is proud to be a supporter of Give901, working in partnership on a number of initiatives that directly support teachers, students, and classrooms.

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