Set Your Service Goals for the Year

This article was written by Dannon Eubanks. 

First, a message from Alexandra Howard, Volunteer Experience Manager at Volunteer Odyssey:

“I sometimes think people view volunteerism like I view going to the gym; It’s nice to do when I can but it is by no means prioritized in my life. Because of this, many people volunteer about as often as I make my yearly gym visits—right before or right after the holiday season.

A woman posing in front of a Memphis sign.

“Despite what we’d like to think, volunteerism does have a seasonal element to it. Nonprofits see a large influx of volunteers around November and December—but when January arrives, many peoples’ priorities shift back to their day-to-day lives while nonprofits’ needs stay the same. So what’s the solution?” 

At Volunteer Odyssey, we aim to help folks keep volunteerism at the forefront of their minds year-round. We spoke to someone who agrees, and we hope he inspires you to shift your thinking too.

A woman wearing a mask and a bandana walks her pit bull dog.
A woman wearing a mask in a clothing store, ensuring service goals for the year are met.
A team of individuals digging in the forest.

We talked with Trey and asked him if he could share one thing with people who were on the fence about volunteering, what would it be?

He shared, “Take that first step and you’ll see that you can make incremental changes. Those small changes matter, and can easily grow into something more.”

We at Volunteer Odyssey challenge you to join the ranks of fellow Memphians who are setting service goals! Here are some opportunities to get you going:

  1. Catholic Charities of West TN, Weekly Service Opportunities 
  2. Memphis Rox, Weekly Opportunities (upcoming MLK Day of Service Community Clean-Up)
  3. Memphis Animal Services, Daily Service Opportunities (Orientation required first)
  4. WYXR 91.7 FM, Monthly Events
  5. Pinecrest Camp and Retreat Center, Winter Work Volunteer (it’s worth the drive!)
  6. Just City, Weekly Court Watch Program (Orientation required first)
  7. Habitat for Humanity ReStore, Weekly Service Opportunities (Orientation required first)
  8. St. Vincent de Paul, Daily Food Mission Volunteer
  9. Carpenter Art Garden, Weekly Community Bike Ride Volunteer 
  10. Cooper-Young Farmers Market, Saturday Vendor Helper

If you need a little more incentive to volunteer, we’ve got an opportunity that’ll get you free gym classes in exchange for giving back!

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