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Last Minute Gift Ideas for Memphians

We’ve compiled a list of some great local Memphis products you can pick up and get under that tree stat!

Memphis-Themed Gifts

Five in One Social Club’s I Pyramid Memphis Tee 

ARCHD’s Retro City Skyline Print (just be sure to choose local pickup during checkout if you need it by Christmas!)

Eso Tolson’s Memphis Is Black tee (just about the dopest tee we could find in the M)

North Evergreen Creative’s print from Levitt Shell’s Holiday Artisan Market

Classic gifts of spirits, food, and coffee:

Guji Mane coffee from CxffeeBlack

Old Dominick Distillery: Memphis Toddy

Delicious baked goods from Lucy J’s Bakery

City Tasting Box’s Official Memphis Box (Choose pickup and you can grab it from Ixora.)

Wiseacre Brewing Company’s Gotta Get Up To Get Down (you can pickup from Memphis gas stations, liquor stores, and Wiseacre Brewing Co.)

Phillip Ashley Chocolates‘ Taste of Memphis Box

Fun for the Family

Scovia Rushing’s book, Scovia Learns She Has Melanin

Dr. Larry Moore’s Black Progress Game 

Memphis Escape Rooms tickets (Try the “Memphis” Room in East Memphis or the “Locker Room” Downtown, or buy a gift card and you can rock, paper, scissors, to decide.)

Gifts of Membership:

Art Project Memphis membership includes free play, free classes and more!

Memphis Zoo Family Membership (4 people) starts at $125.

Photo: Shelby Smith

Brooks Museum Membership

And for the person who has everything, consider making a donation to one of our amazing non-profits.

Check out our ultimate gift-giving guide here!

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