National Cheeseburger Day: Which Staff Fave Will You Choose?

Barbecue, wings, and ribs may get most of the love in Memphis, but to celebrate National Cheeseburger Day, our staff is putting burgers up against them all.

Kyle: Soul burger from Earnestine & Hazel’s.  I mean, have you really lived if you haven’t had one of these at 2 AM? TGC Burger from Gray Canary. Who can pass up Oysters and Burgers on the same menu?!? Not us.

Photo: Earnstine & Hazel's

Shelby: P&H burger with the housemade BBQ sauce, because it’s superior to ketchup. It’s always superior to ketchup.

April: Top’s Double Cheeseburger, I know, it’s a BBQ place, BUT it hasn’t been voted one of Memphis’ best burgers for the last 20 years for nothing. Or The Four Way Cheeseburger. Sometimes you’ve had all the amazing catfish and fried chicken you could want, and just need a good home cooked cheeseburger.

Iain:  Pimento Cheese and Bacon burger from Young Avenue Deli. Pimento Cheese. Bacon. Burger. Boom.

Photo: Top’s Burger via Memphis Sandwich Clique

Jeff: Roxie’s, Mr. Good Burger.

Joi: Hugstable’s signature burger, Dixie Queen Double Cheeseburger. We know the Queen probably hasn’t had it, but she should.

John: Double Double with cheese from Dyer’s. Ya’ll, this burger is fried in grease that is over 100 years old. Done. Period. That’s the sentence.

Keenan: Mot and Ed’s stuffed burger. Do I need to say it louder for the people in the back? STUFFED BURGER. She may be closed until November, moving locations, but you’ll want to line up for this one when the time comes. Don’t worry, we’ll let you know.

Michelle: City Silo Beet Burger. Living in a meat dominated place like Memphis can be tough for our veggie friends, but have no fear, City Silo has you covered.

Travis: Elwood’s Shack. There are so many good burgers it’s hard to choose, but the Patty Melt wins today. Soulsville Kitchen. All you need to know is Cheese. Burger.

Whitney: Baba Burger from Babalu. That’s right, they have more than just guac. But like, you should also get the guac.

I know, I know, we haven’t mentioned a big one. Like when your friend comes into town and doesn’t want BBQ, the place that you know you have to take them. Or the place you want to go after a Tigers win because you know everyone will celebrate with you: Huey’s!!! Almost everyone on our staff mentioned Huey’s so here’s a few of our favorites:

  • Blue’s 57 with a Turkey Patty, it was said about this burger, “I have had one of these a week for probably the last 5 years”.
  • Smokey Melt with a Turkey Patty (apparently the Turkey patty is a must try).
  • Bluff City Burger
  • A1 Burger
  • Texas Toast, this burger got 5 votes, so do what you think is best.

And when we asked the staff children where their favorite burger is from, Wimpy’s won. Who knew?

Alright, these are just some starting points, now go out there and make us proud. Tag us in your burger pics, we want to rejoice in this day with you.

P.S. Hopdoddy is offering a deal so you can take full advantage of the day!

  • Why have one patty when you can have two?! Double up your cheeseburger for free at Hopdoddy. If you’re ordering online, use the code “double” at checkout to redeem.

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