Responsibility, integrity, courage, commitment, grit, and excellence are the values held by the boys at Grizzlies Prep Academy—and it was these same values that helped the Grizzlies Prep basketball team win the 2022 SCIAA Boys Basketball Championship!
This past week, the boys at Grizzlies Prep secured the win against Lester Prep, playing hard for four quarters to advance over the competition by just 3 points; 46-43 was the final score.
Grizzlies Prep is a tuition-free charter school in the heart of Downtown, educating young men in grades 6th through 8th. Inside the rigorous and disciplined middle school, students become equipped for success in high school, college, and life. It is the only public charter school backed by an NBA team.
At Grizzlies Prep, sports play a valuable role in developing young men for success. With a focus on the school’s core values and adopting the grit and grind mentality of the Memphis Grizzlies, the boys of Grizzlies Prep surpass their potential and become the leaders of tomorrow.
It’s no secret that The Memphis Grizzlies are a huge inspiration to all the young boys who walk Grizzlies Prep halls, especially the basketball team. They have truly adopted the hustle and no man left behind mindset. We sat down with Assistant Coach Joshua Cathey to learn about the team’s successful season.
We’ve got GOOD NEWS to report this Monday! The @GrizzliesPrep boyz took home the @SCIAAFEVER Boys Basketball Championship over the weekend. This is a HUGE win for the team 🔥💙🐻 Let’s send them some good vibes for reppin’ the city so well! ✨🎉 #teach901
— Teach901 (@Teach901) January 24, 2022
What do you enjoy most about coaching the boys at Grizzlies Prep?
I enjoy seeing reflections of myself when I was their age, growing and obtaining goals while having fun with their friends. I try my best to motivate, give insight and be a role model to young men. I enjoy giving insight on questions they may have that could impact their future because it’s something I craved when I was younger and letting them know that education is very important.
What qualities made the Grizzlies Prep Boys stand out and have so much success this season?
The qualities that made the Grizzlies Prep Boys stand-out are grit and accountability. They push through any hardships that come their way as a team, they help each other when they need motivation and they understand that work off the court is required before stepping on the court. They truly understand the meaning of the phrase “There is no ‘I’ in team.”
How important was it to these boys and Grizzlies Prep to secure the win?
The win wasn’t as important as coming together to achieve a goal and leaving everything they had out on the court. They truly fought hard for the win and the results showed.
What are some of the team’s basketball inspirations?
The Grizzlies Basketball team has been a huge inspiration for the team. By having the name Grizzlies in our title, the boys have adopted the grit and grind mentality of the OG grizzlies while trying to pay homage to the new Grizzlies team.
How do the Grizzlies Prep values play a role in the way the boys play on the court?
The core values play the role of a blueprint for the boys. Because most of them have been at the school since 5th grade, they have the core values instilled in them. Excellence on and off the court, showing accountability for each other by making sure everyone understands plays and is at practice on time, knowing responsibility by making sure they show the same commitment towards academics that they have for playing the game of basketball, and having the courage to leave everything they have on the court every single night.
How is Grizzlies Prep different from other schools?
Grizzlies Prep is different from most schools because we are a single-gender charter school. We don’t have the same facilities as most schools, but we use what we can to take care of business. Grizzlies Prep is the only public charter school backed by an NBA team. We are designed to address the needs of young men and make sure that families feel confident in the future of their sons.
What else, other than championship winning sports teams, does Grizzlies Prep offer their students?
Grizzlies Prep also has an amazing mentor program and an excellent support system for students that ensures that we see every student and make sure they are given all the assistance they need. Grizzlies Prep also offers a lunch buddy program that pairs them with a local professional who can help them build the skills and attitude they need to navigate life’s challenges and excel academically.
What should someone do if they want to learn more about Grizzlies Prep or enrollment at Grizzlies Prep?
Our enrollment is now open for school year 2022-2023! Please visit