Grants Funds Available for Restaurant and Hotel Workers Impacted by Covid-19

Our hospitality industry is still a ways away from where it was pre-pandemic, but there’s relief available in the form of grant funds for our local restaurant and hotel workers.

The Memphis Urban League was awarded $2,500,000 from the Shelby County Government to support workers impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak—so if you fall into one of those two categories, there might be $1k waiting on ya. 

“Shelby County residents have  highlighted the importance of supporting our local restaurant and hospitality workers. They  have organized and rallied in support of these workers. We have listened and tried to answer  the call. Our goal is for the program put together by the Urban League to help as many of our  local workers as possible to recapture loss income. This group of essential workers have  endured unbelievable financial hardship and played an important role in helping to keep our  community safe. I am grateful that we, as a body, supported this particular funding request and  I look forward to other ways that the County government can move our community forward.” – Shelby County Commission Chairman Eddie S. Jones

Take a look at the eligibility requirements:

  • Must be a Shelby County resident
  • Must be employed by a business located within Shelby County
  • Must be an hourly restaurant and hotel worker who’s been furloughed, laid off, or had their hours drastically reduced due to the economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic

If you think you make the cut, submit an application here OR make your way to the grant application drive on June 24, 2021 from 10am – 2pm at Pursuit of God Church located at 3759 N. Watkins, Memphis, TN 38127!

Funds will be awarded to eligible individuals via check and direct deposit until funds are depleted.

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