This isn’t a humble brag, it’s just a brag: Memphis is a very generous city. We’re kind of known for it. It’s no surprise, then, that Memphians have jumped into the global movement that is #GivingTuesday in a big way over the last few years. Check out the chart to see the trend in giving and imagine where the big hearts of our city will take us in 2019. We’re thinking that $1.25 million seems like a perfectly reasonable goal.
This year, Giving Tuesday falls on December 3rd, so it’s time to decide how you’ll celebrate the day that was created to balance the consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. People all over the world are tapping into the power of this day—last year, celebrating for the first time, the Ukranian movement worked to build up an identity as a nation of do-gooders. It’s a movement in Latin America, too, under the name #UnDiaParaDar. And this year, new additions to the movement include #GivingTuesdayKids and a U.S. military initiative to inspire a million acts of kindness by those who serve and their families. Whatever you choose to do, don’t miss this chance to give—or if you work for a nonprofit, to invite people to support your mission.
For a city of givers, Giving Tuesday is is a natural fit. The Giving Tuesday Memphis movement began when Memphians embraced #GritGrindGive. As our Grizzlies move into a new era, we’re adding the #GiveMemphis hashtag to the mix, but the movement—and the generous Memphians—remain the same. How will you get involved and help #GiveMemphis over $1,000,000 this year?
Make sure your favorite nonprofit is in the mix.
Whether you work there, volunteer, or just believe in the cause, make sure that the mission you care about is part of the conversation on December 3rd. Data shows that on #GivingTuesday people spend time researching organizations they haven’t supported in the past—and people who donate to an org for the first time on Giving Tuesday tend to give again during the next year! All of this is very good news, so tell your nonprofit about the resources that are out there: we’ll point you to #GiveMemphis logos and #GivingTuesday global logos and tools.
Decide what to give. Time, voice, and money all matter.
As nonprofits share their mission and impact on Giving Tuesday, think about how you can give back to Memphis. Been meaning to volunteer? Check out Volunteer Odyssey and use this season to make it happen. Do you follow a great group on social media but haven’t donated yet? Make plans to do that on Giving Tuesday. Give time or money, or lend your voice to a cause—it all makes a difference. Whatever you decide to do, consider shouting out that org you love by posting an “unselfie” to inspire others to give with the #GiveMemphis hashtag. Use the #GiveMemphis Twitter and Instagram handles to follow along and show support and there’s a Facebook group, too!
Lean in to local.
Many national groups need and deserve our support, but consider focusing on the Bluff City when you decide where and how to celebrate Giving Tuesday. #GiveMemphis is a way to support the incredible work being done right here. As we celebrate our city’s generosity, remember that Memphis needs us!
Make it yours, Memphis, and spread the word!
Get creative, y’all. Money and time are always needed, but there are infinite ways to support a cause and inspire others. Dream up a plan to love your city, lift up your favorite cause, spread joy and generosity, and get Memphians as excited about giving as we are about basketball. If anyone can do it, it’s you. Whatever you do, shout about it—or about the cause you support. This movement exists because of the GOOD that can be done on social media, and we can all appreciate a day that brings kindness and generosity to Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Whatever you decide to do, there’s still plenty of time to engage with this global giving phenomenon. Choose a cause, make a plan, get involved on Giving Tuesday, and then inspire your fellow Memphians to do the same.