Youth Villages Young Professionals Mixer
Hey, calling out all the Memphis Under-40s! You’re invited to the Youth Villages Young Professionals Mixer at Grind City Brewing in downtown Memphis on Oct. 5 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Entrance to the event is free.
After you vote on Oct. 5, you’re invited to the Youth Villages Young Professionals Mixer at Grind City Brewing in downtown Memphis from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Entrance to the event is free, and if you wear your “I Voted” sticker, you’ll receive a free giveaway.
The mixer offers an incredible opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations, exchange ideas and build valuable connections that could potentially enhance your personal and professional growth. In addition to networking with others, the event will have delicious food and beverages, door prizes and giveaways.
Whether you’re looking to expand your professional circle, explore collaborative projects or simply make new friends, this mixer is the perfect opportunity to do so. Click on the following link to confirm your attendance and receive two complimentary drink tickets: