Black background promotional image for TEDxMemphis event, "The Mixtape," on September 28, 2024. Features a cassette tape graphic. Hosted by New Memphis with website for more details.

TEDx Memphis 2024

TEDxMemphis: the miXtape is turning up the volume to amplify big ideas at this 901-of-a-kind experience on Saturday, September 28, 2024!

With its variety of tracks, diverse experiences, the element of surprise, and the opportunity to curate and personalize, a mixtape is designed to spark connection through a shared experience: to move and be moved. The 2024 Talks are brimming with ideas that will feed your curiosity, challenge your perceptions, and offer a one-of-a-kindlive-event experience, leaving you energized and empowered to bring big ideas to life in your community.

All ticket purchases include a commemorative TEDx Memphis lanyard and conference badge!

September 28, 2024 | 9:00am – 4:00pm 

Memphis University School (MUS) – Hyde Chapel

6191 Park Avenue, Memphis, TN 38119

Kontji Anthony

Click here to learn more about the host!

Session 1
9:30am – 12:00pm (Doors open at 9:00am)

Session groupings are listed in alphabetical order.

The Face of Disfigurement | Dr. Jaz Gray

The Great Break Up | Jil Jordan Greene
Composting Our Collective Grief | Dr. Andrea Jacobo
 The Tiny Home Revolution: Affordable Living Redefined | Dwayne Jones
Where You Belong | Dr. SunAh Laybourn

How the Internet Can Shape a City | Elliot Noss

Joyful Superpowers | David Quarles, IV
 The Power of Spirit | Bill Seely

Session 2

1:30pm – 4:00pm (Doors open at 1:00pm)

Session groupings are listed in alphabetical order.

If College is the Answer, What is the Question |Tequilla Brownie
Not Your (neuro)typical TEDx Talk | Victoria Erdel Garcia

Cathedral Thinking, Urgent Action | John Dunavant

Could you change the world by drinking your coffee Black? | Bartholomew Jones
Give Us a Chance | Skye Oduaran

Humor is Not Lost in Translation | Dr. Diana Ruggiero​
Listen for a Change | Chris Street

From Reacting to Responding: Manage Stress with Breath Awareness | Lauren Vestal

The event is finished.


Sep 28 2024


9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Memphis University School (MUS) - Hyde Chapel
6191 Park Avenue, Memphis, TN 38119


New Memphis
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