A paper flower bouquet made from various colorful, hand-drawn and handwritten paper petals, crafted meticulously with fine stationery supplies and displayed against a solid orange background.

On Paper!

Paper is all around us, from the pages of our favorite books to our cereal boxes, and the photos that hold our memories. It’s recyclable, sustainable, and a medium for artistic expression.

On Paper! Is an interactive exhibition that celebrates the versatility and beauty of paper as a material, a communication tool, and a creativity and innovation initiator. Visit On Paper! to explore interactive components that highlight a unique aspect of paper’s potential.

Sponsored by Sylvamo

Sylvamo believes in the power of paper to educate, communicate, and entertain while supporting a sustainable ecosystem. From renewable forests to innovative products, they are committed to providing this vital resource through responsible forest management. As sponsors of “On Paper!”, Sylvamo invites you to explore paper’s artistic versatility and enduring value.

The event is finished.


Sep 29 2024


On view during museum hours: Sunday 1-5 p.m. and Tuesday-Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
10:00 am - 5:00 pm



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Dixon Gallery & Garden
Dixon Gallery & Gardens, Park Avenue, Memphis, TN
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