Poster for "Memphis Matters," featuring four individuals in dramatic poses. Show date: August 10 at 7 PM at TheatreSouth, 1000 S. Cooper St. Tickets: $20, scan QR code to purchase.

Memphis Matters

With Playback theatre, there is no script. Playback theatre thrives on spontaneous stories. At a Memphis Matters show, an audience member – a teller – will share a reflection, moment, or story – perhaps lighthearted or funny, perhaps moving or difficult. Then, our Ensemble plays that story back, reenacting the teller’s story with care, creativity, and compassion. This sharing and witnessing of stories affirms that each teller’s story deserves to be told, is valued, is accepted.

Through the words, movement, and music of a Memphis Matters show, the tellers, Ensemble, and audience share connection and dialogue through theatre that unites art and social change. Join us in celebrating and valuing the experiences and people of our city to unlock healing, transformation, and joy in Memphis — one story at a time.


Tickets support the work of Playback Memphis, and regular tickets are $20. If you would like to “pay it forward,” $40 tickets are also available and cover the cost of tickets for members of our Community Matter partner organizations to attend the performance highlighting their work.

Money should not be a barrier for participation. If you have concerns about ticket costs or have questions regarding your ability to attend, please reach out to Jalisa McGaha at so we can make sure you are part of our story.

Event Details

Participate how you feel most comfortable. Feel free to share a story, or simply sit back and watch the magic unfold. We welcome and value you as a teller or witness.

Performances take place at TheatreSouth, located inside First Congregational Church at 1000 S. Cooper St. The entrance to the theatre is located on the south side of the church, to the right of the wooden ramp. Please park in the lot at Cooper Street and Walker Avenue. Look for signs to guide your way!

Our Sponsors

Memphis Matters is supported by the Tennessee Arts CommissionArtsMemphisFedExInDev Supported Living, and Huey’s Restaurants.

The event is finished.


Aug 10 2024


7:00 pm



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Playback Memphis
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