A poster for a Lens Language photography exhibition on love.

Lens Language: A Photography Exhibition that Explores the Depths of Love

TONE announces their first exhibition back since their weekend-long celebration of Juneteenth; photography exhibition, Lens Language.

TONE invites all to the opening of Lens Language on October 21st, a photography exhibition that explores the depths of love, from the perspective of two Black femme-presenting queer artists: MadameFraankie and Kai Ross.


Lens Language. The exhibition showcasing candid moments that feel like love. 


Artists, Fraankie and Kai Ross, curated a show to illustrate what love looks like from behind the lens. Love, from each angle: romantically, internally, platonically, communally, and familiarly. 


Photography as an art form doesn’t have the capacity to be touched, but it holds the power of being felt. 


Although the show is under the umbrella of love the way these artists take it on, is completely different. Fraankie is a film photographer that showcases love on a micro-communal level. Kai is a conceptual/studio photographer that showcases love on a romantic level.


The importance of two Black Femme-presenting Queer artists being able to tell their stories.


Photography is male-dominated field, so it is essential to create the space where Black femme-presenting queer photographers are seen as valuable, credible, and necessary.


This exhibition is meant to inspire other Black women/non-binary photographers to chase the stories that only they can tell. Throughout this exhibition and conjunctive programming, the theme of love seen from behind the lens will be expressed as it has been experienced. Telling each of the different stories and giving them all validity.


This viewpoint offers a different perspective than that of Black men, in any spectrum. In a world that highlights the way life is captured by men, we can’t forget to search for the way life looks and feels from the perspective of Black femme-presenting queer artists.

The event is finished.


Oct 21 2023


4:00 pm - 7:00 pm



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Tone Memphis
2234 Lamar Ave. Memphis, TN 38114


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