Guys and Dolls


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:           August 10, 2022

CONTACT:                                        Randall Hartzog

Theatre Memphis, Director of Marketing and Communications / 901.682.8601


Musical Opens Season 101 at Theatre Memphis


Memphis, TNGuys and Dolls will be the opening musical at Theatre Memphis on August 19, 2022, to inaugurate the 101st consecutive season that the community theatre has produced.  Known to be one of the most popular of the classic American musicals, it runs through September 11, 2022.  Fun and sassy, this Manhattan-based musical, romantic comedy tells the overlapping stories of high-roller Sky Masterson and rapscallion gambler, Nathan Detroit. As they look to set up the largest craps game in town, they are derailed, respectively, by two women: a straight-laced missionary and a headliner at the Hot Box Club. All the shenanigans of these seemingly incompatible couples take us from the heart of Times Square to the cafes of Havana, Cuba, and eventually everyone ends up right where they belong.

Directed by Cecelia Wingate, this take on a period show is deliberately true to the original production. She says, “Even with what may feel like ‘old school’ references, the fun of this show is based on the improbable. I mean these chicks and these loveable gambling low-lifes just aren’t supposed to be together. But you know what? Love changes everything. And it can be a lot of fun in the process.”

Theatre Memphis Executive Producer Debbie Litch agrees, “This is a case of why mess with a good thing? Audiences know this show and they are going to get a humdinger of a production with this stellar cast and our outstanding Theatre Memphis production values. The heart of the show is in these characters. And in the period, they can be over-the-top and still be believable.”


Tickets for any performance can be acquired by calling the box office at 901.682.8323 or going online to


Guys and Dolls

Theatre Memphis, 630 Perkins Extd., Memphis, TN 38117

August 19 – September 11, 2022

Music and Lyrics by: Frank Loesser; Book by Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows

Presenting Sponsor: Dorothy O. Kirsch

Sponsors: John and Anne Robilio and the World Cataract Foundation

Media Sponsors: WKNO 91.1fm, Memphis Flyer and The Best Times

Visit our website at Theatre Memphis receives funding from ArtsMemphis and the Tennessee Arts Commission. Theatre Memphis is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization located at 630 Perkins Extended @ Southern Avenue and is a community theatre whose mission it is to provide outstanding theatrical experiences to enrich the lives of our audiences and participants


The event is finished.


Sep 11 2022


All evening performances are at 7:30 pm and matinees are at 2pm
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Adults $35; students $15; 62+ and military $30

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Theatre Memphis
630 Perkins Extd Memphis, TN, 38117 United States


Theatre Memphis
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