DOLLY DAY at Wiseacre OG!
SAVE THE DATE: JAN 19! We’re celebrating the birthday of the one and only Dolly Rebecca Parton. Prolific doesn’t even begin to describe her. She’s written over 3,000 songs, donated over 100 million books to children, and one of only a few humans to receive nominations from the Emmy Awards, Grammy Awards (from which she has received 47 nominations), Tony Awards, and the Academy Awards.
What does this all have to do with beer? Well, let us tell you. Music, friends, and beer are the trifecta from which merriment (dare we say gemütlichkeit???) are derived. You may even argue that this trio is the only reason humans have made it this far. So, celebrating Dolly birthday is a way for us to keep civilization existing, basically.
More Details To Follow.