Community Clothing Swap
Grab a friend and bring your gently used clothing and accessories to swap them for new-to-you pieces! All genders, all sizes, all eras (vintage & modern) all clothing welcome!
Never been to a swap before? No prob! Here are some things to expect:
Never been to a swap before? No prob! Here are some things to expect:
Gather up quality items you no longer wear and bring them to swap out with other community members. This helps to recycle clothing, reduce waste, and save folks some money!
Please do not bring more than one construction bag full of items! The general idea is to take as much as you bring, e.g. bring a bag full/take a bag full, or bring 5 items/take 5 items, etc. but usually there is more than enough to go around!
Make sure your items are clean, and in wearable condition (minor rips or stains are okay). A good rule of thumb is if you would wear it, it’s probably safe to say someone else would, too!
Please note: all clothing and accessories are FREE the last hour of the swap! Leftover items may be given away, donated, sold, recycled, or put into a cannon and shot into space–whatever is deemed necessary by organizers!