Come Tell A Story: Family
The Theme of the night is Family. This time around we are telling endearing stories about the family of God. Three storytellers will take the stage and tell about a time when the family of God showed up and showed out, came through in a pinch, and made them feel all warm and fuzzy inside. After the stories, there will be a 20-minute talk back where you can hear more about the storytellers, their stories, and even ask a few questions if you like.
About The Series
God loves single people too! Come Tell A Story is a platform for people to share their single experiences. We are amplifying single stories to create community, provide support, and nourish singleness in all of its forms.
Four times a year, storytellers of various backgrounds and ages will share stories about their single experience. We’re telling a different story: being single is fun, it’s freeing, it’s a blessing.
Are you single? Come tell us your story.