Poster for "Cocktail Concert benefiting Hands of Mothers" on 10-13-24, featuring Marcella Simien. Event at 6564 Cottingham from 4-6 PM. Enjoy a delightful evening with 60's cocktails, canapes, and live music. QR code present.

Cocktails + Canapes Concert

Party like Elvis at the funky and fabulous home of Elvis’ doctor, George Nichopoulos. With 60’s themed hot canapés, cool cocktails and the “swamp soul” stirrings of Marcella Simien, it’s sure to be a memorable way to spend an October afternoon – all for a great cause!

Hands of Mothers empowers vulnerable girls and women in post-genocide Rwanda through education and economic development. We currently fund school fees and supplies for 160 children in Rwanda who otherwise would not have access to education as school in Rwanda is not free. Read about our impact at

Please join us and let’s eat, drink and dance together to celebrate the power of education to change the lives of women and girls in Rwanda!

The event is finished.


Oct 13 2024


4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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6564 Cottingham Pl
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