Black Business Owner Focus Groups

The City of Memphis, Christian Brothers University, Start Co., Black Business Association, the Greater Memphis Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Memphis Commission and Heartland Forward are doing data analysis on the state of Black businesses that goes beyond just revenue, headcounts and paid employees.

We are looking at:
  • the complexities of starting a business out of economic necessity versus economic opportunity
  • one that looks at structural inhibitors such as technology and transit divides
  • one that sees many people fall through the cracks in our often siloed entrepreneurship and workforce solutions
  • and so much more.

We now want to test some of these theories and insights by talking to black businesses about it.
The goal is to better understand your business journey, so that we deploy resources better, write better policies, and fund accordingly.  This can only happen with your thoughts, feedback, and shared experiences.

See Locations, Times, and Sign up to Join a Focus Group Here.

The event is finished.


Jun 26 - 29 2023


8:00 am - 6:00 pm



More Info

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