August WomenTalk
Don’t miss the conversation when we celebrate Women’s Suffrage Day 2024 at First Congregational Church (one day late) on Aug. 27 and hear from two outstanding local political leaders: Rep. Karen Camper and City Councilwoman Jerri Green.
This edition of WomenTalk will focus on women and politics: the privilege and responsibility of the vote and the opportunities and challenges our elected women leaders confront. American women secured the right to vote on Aug. 26, 1920, with certification of the 19th amendment, though the battle for access to the polls for women of color continued especially in the South and is threatened in many ways across the nation today.
State Rep. Karen Camper is a delegate to the Democratic National Convention. She has represented Dist. 87 in Memphis since 2008. She made history in 2018 when she was elected Democratic leader in the legislature, the first African-American woman elected to lead a party caucus in the state’s General Assembly. Rep. Camper is a former President of the National Organization of Black Elected Legislative Women and the immediate past President of the National Foundation of Women Legislators.
Councilwoman Jerri Green campaigns as “one tough mother” and brings full passion and studied analysis to her work on the Memphis City Council. She was elected in November 2023. She is an attorney who served as executive director of the Community Legal Center and as senior policy advisor to county mayor Lee Harris.
In this heated political season, let’s sip a cool beverage and talk. WomenTalk is a time for conversation, questions and sharing whatever is on our minds, hosted by the board of the Memphis Area Women’s Council.