Dinner Series Invites Memphians to Imagine a More Lovable, Inclusive City Together

A dinner & conversation series called The Lovable City is launching in Memphis. Throughout October, group dinners will be hosted to bring together Memphis residents to discuss what we love about our city, identify key challenges, and visualize how we can co-create a better Memphis.

The Lovable City dinners are taking place in more than 50 cities nationwide. Their goal is to spark a national conversation on what it means to love, engage, and invest in our cities.

While it’s great to meet new people and hear other perspectives, the dinners are designed for a higher purpose. The initiative is backed by Civic Dinners, a platform that uses technology to “transform dinner tables into forums for positive social change.”  The information that comes from these conversations among residents and local leaders will influence policies that can shape cities into more inclusive, equitable, and lovable places. 

How It Works

Local hosts will invite a group of 6 – 10 participants to their home or organize an outing to a restaurant or other location. Meals could be potluck-style or provided by the host, or if it’s at a restaurant, each person will purchase their own meal. During the meal, guests will participate in a guided discussion centered on three “uniquely tailored” questions.

From the press release:

Insights from these conversations will be collected by survey both before and after the conversations to discover the common issues and challenges facing cities today, uncover bold solutions, and understand the most important conversations to continue having in 2020, ahead of the U.S. elections. Findings will be compiled into The Lovable City report and present valuable insights to inform future planning and policymaking.

Register to attend a dinner or volunteer to host one at civicdinners.com/tlc-memphis.

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