901 Day: A Guide For Businesses & Organizations

September 1st—the 24 hours where we Memphians are loud and proud about the love we have for our city. This year, we thought it would be nice to band together as you lead your own mini-community (think customers, clients, diners, a congregation, friends, and/or family) in celebrating our favorite Memphis holiday, 901 Day!

A red and yellow logo with the words 911 day.


You are an integral part of our city, and you are an important part of reminding people that 901 Day is coming and inspiring them to celebrate. A great way to get started is to think through the following:

  • How will your business or organization celebrate?
  • Are you going to offer a discount or a special on 901 Day? If so, let us know here and we’ll advertise it on our site!
  • Do you need volunteers or donors? You can ask people to include giving back to the city they love on 901 Day.
  • How will you, as a leader, foster that Memphis pride in a big way? Be creative and make it your own!


Tell the world how much you love this city. Here are some freebies you can use to proclaim your love for Memphis on social media. Don’t forget to hashtag #901day and tag @choose901 so we can celebrate with you!

**Right-click to download**

Sometime it’s nice to just copy/paste. Here are some ideas for the messages you use on social media, in emails, and elsewhere. Feel free to use these as inspiration or to post as they are:

  • Who’s ready for 901 Day?? September 1st is our city’s day to celebrate everything we love about Memphis! Whether you order local food, watch alllll the Grizz games you can find, give back to our city by donating to your favorite nonprofit, or something entirely different, get ready to celebrate big! #901day
  • 901 Day is coming! September 1st is Memphis’ holiday, and Memphians everywhere will celebrate by enjoying all the city has to offer and giving back in their own ways. How will you celebrate? #901day
  • September 1st is 901 Day in Memphis. On that day, we’re going to celebrate YOU by ___________, and we want you to join us in the fun. Raise your hand if you’re ready to celebrate this city and its incredible people with us. #901day

Need ideas for how to celebrate? We’ve got some just for you (and anyone else you want to share them with)!


Whether you’re looking to learn something new, see something pretty, or set out on an adventure, from our indoor establishments to our green spaces, we’ve got plenty of places to romp around.

A girl on a skateboard on a path near a river.
Photo: Memphis River Parks

Check out some of our lists and guides:

A Local Guide to the Great Outdoors

Where to Roller Skate Outside in Memphis

The Best Local Patios for Enjoying Food, Friends, & Fun

Support Your Local Art Institutions


We feel like you could throw a rock and hit a Memphian who either leads or works at a local nonprofit, but please don’t do that. The point is, there are people and organizations in this city who are committed to helping Memphis be better, and we can’t think of a better day to show them support than this.

A person holding a bag of food in front of a blue sky.
Photo: @ppe4bipoc

Check out our list of Bluff City nonprofits to know about here.

See a handful of nonprofit campaigns you can donate to this fall.


We’ve got too many talented folks up in this city to not keep our dollars here. Like we know that sounds selfish, but it’s our day and we can be that way.

Memphis memphis memphis memphis memphis memphis memphis memphis memphis memphis.
Photo: @bealestbrewing

That local artist’s painting you’ve been eyeing, buy it! Those hand-crafted, self-curated selections of apparel, accessories, wellness products, etc…treat yourself. Locally made masks? Stock up! And we better not see y’all walking out of a chain restaurant. THERE’S TOO MUCH FYA FOOD IN THIS JUNT.

Need ideas? We got you:

Memphis: Home of the Brews (Local Beer Guide)

Local Bookstores and Libraries

Support Your Local Black Community (Guide for Black Businesses, Artists, Cultural Organizations, and more)


A box with a variety of meats, cheeses, and crackers.
A hand holding a bag of guji maing coffee, a business guide for coffee enthusiasts.

Remember when we said 901 Day is a good day to support local businesses? Well, a handful of them plan to reward you for doing so by offering 901 Day deals! From discounted pastas and sweet treats to fueling your need for caffeine, there’s no reason not to take advantage of these one-day-only offerings.

Is your biz offering a discounts? Click this link to let us know!

Now go celebrate!! 901 Day only comes once a year. Go about things your own way—because this is our city, this is our day, and as Blocboy JB would say “Look Alive!

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