12 Ways to Volunteer with Volunteer Odyssey in August

1. Community Alliance for the Homeless

  • Symposium to End Homelessness, August 4th with shifts throughout the day 

Community Alliance for the Homeless is partnering with the University of Memphis School of Social Work to host a symposium on “Ending Homelessness in Memphis and Shelby County”.  Volunteers are needed to assist with registration, implementation, and clean-up. Volunteers will have the opportunity to network and receive free admission to this symposium.

Register to volunteer here

3. For the Kingdom

  • Feed the Block, weekdays from 2:00 to 5:00

Join For the Kingdom in their Feed the Block initiative. This program cooks and plates meals to be delivered to Raleigh residents. Volunteers are needed to assist with prepping, cooking, and plating the meals. Volunteers can also assist with cleaning, washing dishes, sorting donated goods, and other tasks to ensure staff are supported as they serve hundreds of locals every weekday.

Register to volunteer here!

2. Arkwings Foundation

  • Gallery Docent, Wednesdays from 1:00 to 3:00 or 3:00 to 5:00

Arkwings is a non-profit organization located in a 1930s former family home on 17 acres of beautiful green space, which has been transformed into a community arts and nature gallery and gathering place. Arkwings is looking for a few volunteers to meet and greet visitors during weekly Open Gallery days. You can make this the experience you want it to be!

Register to volunteer here! 

4. Latino Memphis

  • Bilingual Volunteers Needed

Join one of Volunteer Odyssey’s newest nonprofit partners, Latino Memphis, in making sure every Latino Memphian has the opportunity and resources to become an engaged and active participant in making our city great. They need bilingual volunteers to assist with providing food, immunizations, wellness checks and vaccines, legal services, and more.

Register to volunteer here! 

Shelby County Sheriff’s office donating thanksgiving food baskets for Latino Memphis clients
Sign up to be a bilingual volunteer with Volunteer Odyssey in August!

5. Shelby Farms Park

  • Sprayground Volunteers Needed

Help support the SFPC Water Play Sprayground during their Free Play Tuesdays! Water Play Sprayground Attendants help monitor the hottest place in town for kids to keep cool. The space features great splashing opportunities for kids, including a water tunnel, multiple interactive spray jets and geyser boulders!

Register to volunteer here!

7. Memphis botanic garden

  • Live at the Garden Set Up

Help MBG staff member Bri Helms put the final touches on the Live at the Garden outdoors concerts in August and September! This opportunity is fantastic for those who need volunteer hours for school or work. Who knows- you may see a rock star walking around!

Register to volunteer here! 

6. Memphis Rox

  • Community Clean Up Crew Needed

It’s time for another Soulsville Neighborhood Volunteer Cleanup hosted by Memphis Rox. All necessary materials for the cleanup, including trash bags, gloves, high-visibility vests, and water will be provided. No specified time commitment. Stay for as much of the cleanup as you are can!

Register to volunteer here!

8. Cooper Young Farmers Markets

  • Market Support Needed

If you want to learn more about your local food system and give back to your community by supporting food access in Memphis, you can do both with the Cooper-Young Farmers Market, a year round market in Midtown. You can join them to make the magic of the market happen by helping set up and break down on any Saturday of your choosing!

Register to volunteer here! 

A farmer's market with vegetables and a van in the background, perfect for volunteers in Memphis.
If you’re interested in learning more about our local food systems and food access, this is a great opportunity for you to volunteer with Volunteer Odyssey in August.

9. Memphis Animal Services

  • Data Entry Support

If you love animals and have a few hours of free time, a volunteer is needed to assist the Volunteer and Outreach Specialists at MAS with updating their rescue lists and editing information for the dogs and fosters in their Shelterluv database. This position can be remote once you are acclimated to their system.

Register to volunteer here!

11. Just City

  • Court Watch Volunteer

Just City knows that attendance creates pressure in the courtroom. Join the local organization in their Court Watch Volunteer Program, happening daily in the Shelby County courtrooms downtown.  They watch court proceedings in order to demand justice and fairness by our elected officials. Court watch invites community volunteers into courtrooms to observe proceedings that are typically invisible to the general public.

Register to volunteer here!

10. Catholic Charities of West TN

  • Clothing Closet Helper

Catholic Charities clothing closet is 100% donation based and could not be open without the help of volunteers and donors. This volunteer role will help check-in clients, assist in shopping for items as needed, assist in sanitizing areas of service, and check-out clients including bagging clothing selections. 

Register to volunteer here

12. St. Vincent de Paul

  • Food Mission Volunteer

Join the St. Vincent de Paul Food Mission as they serve neighbors experiencing hunger every day of the week. Volunteers are needed to help prepare and plate the hot food served. Other tasks, such as unpacking and sorting food products, may be needed to ensure that each visitor receives a quality meal.

Register to volunteer here!

Looking for more ways to volunteer with volunteer odyssey in august?

Check out their featured summer of service opportunities!

Guest post by dannon eubanks, volunteer odyssey director of community engagement

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